心理学 students gain experience beyond the classroom through faculty-mentored research or independent studies

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


The 心理学 Department at St. Bonaventure offers two majors and a minor:

  • Bachelor of 艺术 在心理学中
  • Bachelor of Science 在心理学中
  • 辅修心理学

A degree 在心理学中 provides a strong foundation for a broad range of careers and graduate school opportunities. You will develop the skills to understand and evaluate human behavior, 决策, 个性, 群体行为, and mental illness among other topics.


心理学 students participate in a broad range of high-impact activities including research, 领域经验, 社区服务, 出国留学. 了解更多关于 student research and recent department publications.


Soquania, Alexandra, Ramya, & Kaitlyn presented their research on "Cell Phone Notifications During Lecture: Effects on Attention and Memory" at the 2019 艺术 & 科学博览会.



The art and science of human behavior

心理学 is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. 我们都是B.A. 和B.S. programs 在心理学中 teach students the major theories and themes present 在心理学中 and the skills needed to interpret and conduct behavioral research. The two different degree paths allow students to choose tracks with在心理学中 that best fit into their future plans.

Bachelor of 艺术 在心理学中

B.A. program allows more flexibility for additional coursework and emphasizes areas with在心理学中 that better prepare students for 咨询 or clinical programs.

A B.A. 在心理学中 in conjunction with appropriate elective courses is an excellent preparation for careers in human services or social services, or post graduate studies in clinical psychology, 咨询, 发展心理学, industrial and organizational behavior, 学校心理学, 社会心理学, 工商管理, 或法律.

Degree requirements and a four-year plan for the B.A. 在心理学中

Bachelor of Science 在心理学中

B.S. degree focuses more heavily on natural sciences and areas with在心理学中 that better prepare students for pre-health careers or for graduate research programs. 最优准备为B.S. program includes four years of high school mathematics and at least one course in the natural sciences.

A Bachelor of Science degree 在心理学中 is excellent preparation for careers or graduate studies in animal behavior, 认知心理学, 认知神经科学, 健康心理学, 医学, 神经心理学, 感知, 精神病学, 或者兽医.

Degree requirements and a four-year plan for the B.S. 在心理学中

B的专门化.A. 还是B.S. 在心理学中

From physiology to clinical psychology, psychology is a broad field with many different areas – people (and animals) are complex! Below are three specializations with recommended course sequences that may be of interest to students. For more about the courses, see the 心理学课程说明 在大学目录里.

  • 临床方法和实地考察

    Are you interested in working with people in a clinical or 咨询 setting? Gaining first-hand experience in the field? Our clinical methods and fieldwork sequence is for you!

    建议课程顺序:  PSYC 215适应不良行为, PSYC 469 Intro to Clinical Methods-Human Services, 和psyc47x野外工作.

  • Social 心理学 and Extremism

    How do we influence and how are we influenced by our social environments? 我们是如何形成偏见的? What are the impacts of hate crimes on the victims and society? These questions can be explored in a series of courses offered through the lens of 社会心理学.

    建议课程顺序:  PSYC 212社会心理学, PSYC 270 Investigative 心理学, PSYC 370 心理学 of Terrorism, 和PSYC 371仇恨犯罪.

  • 人类的学习与记忆

    What is the best way to study for a test? 为什么我学习的时候不能集中注意力? Why can’t I remember where I put my keys?? These questions can be explored in a series of courses offered through the lens of 认知心理学.

    建议课程顺序:  PSYC 422 Cognition and PSYC 423 Human Memory.

  • 辅修心理学

    We also offer a minor 在心理学中 for non-majors that offers students an introduction to psychology as a science and allows students to take a variety of psychology classes as electives.

    Requirements for the 心理学 minor


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